Thursday, August 03, 2006

About Tramadol....

Anyone noticed the annoying spambot on my tagboard, tramadoldog?
(nah, nobody reads my blog anyway. Lol.)

Whatever it is, this entry is about tramadol (thanks to Tramadoldog)

Tramadol is a painkiller drug.
And what are painkillers for?
To kill pain. Yup.?
What is going on when you are taking painkillers in excessive (or for no reason)?
It's called drug abuse.
Drug abuse is bad mmmmkay?

Tramadol exhibit dependence akin to morphine type and similar withdrawal symdromes.
It is taken orally.

So remember guys and gals,
drugs are bad
stay away from drug mmmkay?

and taghoards are drug peddlers.
Programmers that created drug peddling taghoards goes to hell
condemned a lifelong dependence to digging their own anus til it bleeds.

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