Thursday, November 30, 2006

Watched: Happy Feet

Happy Feet

Emperor Penguins required a unique heart song to seek their soul mate.
However Mumble ,due to an accident (or rather the negligence of Memphis his father), is born tone-deaf but he had an amazing ability to tap dance. Whereas others uses singing to convey their inner emotion, Mumble dances.

However he was regarded a freak and was quickly outcasted by his community and was distanced by his father (due to his father's own guilt). He wasn't alone despite this, having his mum Norma Jean and Gloria his childhood sweetheart by his side (who incidentally named Mumbles).

In the graduation porm, Mumbles was isolated to an iceberg after repeatedly disrupting the party with his singing (kinda of a banshee shriek) when he cannot contain himself.

The next morning he awakes to be attacked by a seal. After successfully made the seal retreated, Mumbles was jointed by the Amigos of the Adelie. Whereas outcasted by his own, Mumbles was regarded absolutely cool by his ability to dance and his rather daredevil ways. That of course Amigos are misfits too (or perhaps lazy. They refuse to find a mate via collection of love stones for nests)

During a 'body surfing' trip, Mumbles noticed a Crane (Machine. Not animal).
And that probes him to find some answers as he had heard of 'aliens' stealing all 'their fishes'.

His quest for answers lead him to Lovelace. A rockhopper penguin with a six pack ring on his neck. He was chased away by Lovelace when Lovelace avoid the questions about the 'aliens'.

Mumbles returns to the Emperor penguins but only to be banished forever because of his happy feet behaviour causes the younger penguins to follow suit. The Elders blamed him for the lack of fishes. Mumbles didn't want to be a scapegoat and vows to bring the truth back.

Mumbles return to find Lovelace chocked with the plastic ring. Determine to help Lovelace and uncover the truth, Mumbles took Lovelace and the Amigos on a journey to a human colony.

Mumbles finally saw the humans. Instead of getting rid of himself the crime he was accused of and return to the Emperor Penguin Community, Mumbles seeks to resolve the issue. He gave chase to the ships into the open sea but to no avail.

Drifted and beached, Mumbles was taken to a Zoo. Depressed and lost, Mumbles is also losing his identity. Until one day, he realised his Happy Feet behaviour caught the hearts of the Humans.

Eventually this led to his release and he returned to Antartica and his home.

Mumbles eventually went into a showdown with the Elders and reunited with his family and his love Gloria.

The whole penguin tribe dance and finally made the Humans stop stealing the fish from the Antartica.

A wonderful ending isn't it???

Or not???Because the enviromental message somehow comes along twisted. Ironically the Penguins are not in anywhere close to "THREATEN" even. Actually if I start seeing animals behaving out of the norm, I likely bulldoze their homes and capture them to make sure they are not diseased (and the disease is not HAZARD LEVEL). Strangely......the dancing portion is kind of Charlotte's Web (AKAN DATANG on your screen soon).

Also this movie question blind faith (which is good) but I just hope that children will not mimic Mumble's

"Don't ask me to change Pa. I can't."

if they are asked to stand in line.

Wat's your seduction style?

Stolen it from someone I dunno's LJ (hell I hate that word)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Soukou no Strain Ep 1

If I didn't notice it carefully, I might have mistook it to be another Sunrise Mecha offering.

However it isn't.

Episode 1 opens to a girl sending off her Ace Pilot Brother off in front of her parents' grave. He promised her he will be back but the girl knows it's not possible since it's a few hundred lightyears away. She probably be dead before he came back.

She promised to look for him in the stars and thus this is how the story begins.

Hmmm. I smell a twist coming from a zillion lightyears away.

Jump forward years later, Sara (oh. Hi. Ain't that so familiar) is training hard to be a Strain pilot just like her brother did. She is so into getting reunited with her brother. Haha. Oh well. School is fun especially when you ACE in class and had close friends.

One night, while practising box step (i think that's what they call it) with a boy who had hots for her (but obviously she had her minds elsewhere. Like a few hundred lightyears away. No prize guessing why she is dancing) , the Imperials (oh Wow. How familiar) attacked the Academy.

Sara took off on in her Strain to fight off the invaders. All is well when a mysterious Black Strain flew in and slaughtered her 3 best friends. Before she could react, the Black Strain took her down.

Slightly injured, Sara crawled out from the wreckage. Spotting the Black Strain parking on the side, Sara went after for the pilot to avenge her friends. When she finally caught up with him, she caught face to face with the very reason she was in the academy for.

Her brother.

He didn't acknowledge Sara, like she was a total stranger. The strange girl he took from the stasis in the academy smile at him as he cradles her in him arms. Looks like he got what he came for (and obviously he didn't came back for you, Sara)

Ralph Werec, brother of Sara, took off into the night with his Strain.
Sara gave chase with questions all over in a borrowed Strain from a reisner (pilot) who apparently never made to die it to die fighting.
Ralph found the trailing Strain to be a nuisance and got rid of Sara.
Sara took a fall once again on the same night.

And this time it wouldn't be the same.

A very promising 1st episode despite the cliches that surfaces. Part of my mind is on whether we be continuing the Academy Part for a few episode before something happens.
Hell no. Apparently the writer is in a hurry. He even murder 3 named characters all at once just before we starts to know them (they spend a good 10mins or so, trying to set them different).

Prolouge sequence in Episode 1

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Tarot quiz

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Monday, November 13, 2006


[DOA] Death or Alive

Question: Is a video game inspired movie any good???

Answer: Watch the movie. Like it or not, there's no point whining.

DOA isn't faithfully following the videogame. Which is why it's a better situation.
Corey Yuen probably asked the script writer to watch an 80's/90's HK action flick and show them his action pieces and asked them to write it that way. Who needs story when it's a popcorn flick. Sit back and relax. The video gaming otakus will probably complain anyway so why not just appeal to rest of America. I mean the rest of B-grade viewers.

With every fucktard wise guys to write twists and turns here and there, what's a better remedy to self than watching a straight to back ending???

Everything looks so wrong in DOA but it's not a bad movie when you don't concern with the purist thinking of the otaku. Loosen up man. In fact some people asked:

Why can't they cast AV chicks???They look tonnes better than Devon Aoki

My answer is a question, my friends, WTF why didn't Tecmo just commission an Cosplay AV instead???

Think about it.

Flushed Away

The story is simple but Flushed Away is entertaining watch.
Hmmmm.....why does it sounds like A GOOD YEAR????

Anyway they just love to dig at Hugh Jackman for doing Wolverine. There's a scene where Roddy had to decide which suit to wear. Elvis or Wolverine? LoL.

Slugs are the chief fillers for the movie and almost stole the whole show.

Time proving again that you really need something behind the main story to keep it from being too cold. It's a CGI movie thing I guess.

Playing : Mai-Otome: Otome Butou Shi

A fighting game that consist of Mai-Otome goodness???

Definately not. The Fight Engine is wose than Psychic Force and the gameplay can stretch but the bonus is coming in fast enough to hold my attention down. Will I spent another 1 hour on it???

Probably not.

But there are some really neat extra waiting to be unlocked so if you are a real fan , you shouldn't be complaining (I do since I am a fighting game fan too. Press Circle x4 and once guage is full, get into position and press Triangle. Oh damn. )

Here a tip for 3 seconds of cheesiness. Just play with the vibration option in the option menu. LOL.