Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ship of Fools

With Odex awarding letters for (or like Stephen Sing, now INFAMOUSLY put it on the Web..."double-6-ed") every anime downloaders, it's quite true that every anime lover of Singapore on the internet with a blog will eventually make their stand. (Kind of like how in last Great-Marvel-Event, Civil War, taking sides.)

Yes true believers, we are now at Crisis or Countdown to Crisis of Multiple Anime Downloaders.
Surely you don't think it's the END?
It's the Begining of the END of FREE LOADERS!!!

I do wondered if I am getting the straw with the short end. Everyone does. Live in fear for past action done.

Then again I had cut down since last January so.......

Anyway my side of the Crisis/War is Fence Sitter. In the middle. People always tell me, stand in the middle, get knock down by both sides of the traffic. Quite true but this isn't REAL LIFE. Yes. It seems Distant to me.

I mean whats the point of hurling abuses at Forces of Change???
Especially when they have LAW ON THEIR SIDE( Bejesus to the TNP journalist who wrote this line. LOL).


Lord have mercy on our souls, we are a small group of consumers (or rather non-consumers) getting a kick of something free. If Odex had earlier went on a propanganda, running a campainge to educate the situation, give enough "weather forecast", I am sure the hostility will be cut down by at least a good 20%-30% because we are not a bunch of brutes. By help, it's detering the concerned from committing the offence and not, collecting settlement fees and say


So is it productive hurling abuses at the fall guy???
Odex is the fall guy.

To show the Americans that Japanese Businessmen means business, Odex will be doing the dirty work and taking fall for them. Business benefits are inevitable, obvious and who knows how much "kopi lui" benefit comes about. At worse, Odex can fold and reemerge with another name (note the "Pte Ltd") just to hawk their wares. At best, Odex will emerge a super power and giving them an edge over competitors (Fat hope???!)

I won't side with the overly "PASSIONATED" fans.
Bunch of ChickenShitZ who post empty threats and BIG WORDS.
Best part???
Stephen Sing (now TNP Headline Story for 15/09/2007. Yes your parents and family and friends will be so proud of you) took the harmless threats as SERIOUS and made police report (over lolz stuff ESP The WANTED POSTER. I think he took offence over the $9000 reward. Too little I guess???).

Singaporean Netizens made fun of MP's daughter, she never cry and call police....
and Stephen Sing thought he was....more Important?
Oh come on. That's Internet Justice served with a pinch of salt.

The media???
A lot of UnTruth (or misquote. Depending on where you standing) is being made and observed by many. Either Odex is lying or providing statistics with poor explaination. I publish any of my "findings" unless there's a demand.

Want to be a good fan???
Stop wasting time blasting Odex.
Spent more time watching existing anime.
Buy the original.
If you need a quick fix on the latest, watch via streaming since they aren't in focus at the moment. Don't pay heed to hearsay. They are catching downloaders and not users of an internet service.

To sum up on this entry, I will to draw attention these article which is 3 parts.

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