Thursday, December 30, 2004

Quickies Recaps...

Wed 29th
Serene (La Crosse gal...I go asked her name but she mumbled mumbled 'Reindeer' then her name....something is Wrong?With me?...) got 35 for I supposed to be impressed????? (But I know she got reasons for that kind of results....Althot I got reasons for mine.)Wan Ping is going for Pioneer JC. Today is her last day so she just butterfly around.....LOL. Like I care how she work. All Xiaomeimei like that one. Hmm...She knows of Frostice (samantha) bcos same skool (but she not her friend). LOL. Small world. Wan Ping quite popular with the guys. LOL. Boys.

Tue 28th
Off. Went around Tampines with Joyly. She say she felt depressed. Anything lah. Long time never go ard Tampines. Hope she be alright.

Mon 27th
La Crosse gal called me Mr Reindeer.....siao char bor.....want to knock her head...wah...lang blur blur still got guts to call me name.....

Sun 26th
Nothing much.....yah. Really.

Sat 25th
Went to watch Kungfu Hustle with Joyly.After that sent her home. Then go meet the Guys at Lame Juice Corner. (will fatten this entry later.)

Fri 24th
Work 1/2 day.
After work meet up with Joyly and some of the peeks from Sganime. No tix for Kungfu Hustle. Want to watch Meet the Fockers but Sagara and NY underage. Suggested to go karaoke. Went to Party World. Wah. Subsidise for them bian I oldest and I suppose to get the tix for the movies actually.....Seiya and Tanaka Yuki not bad singers but SK shows alot of promise....He sounds like Gackt for Vanilla!!!!!Wow!!!I am impressed!!!!Sing Chun Zhen althought I am not suited for that song (but that's the onli song I can sing along with....)

Thur 23th
Sickly. Nah. Not bothered to sell anything. Siti hates me. LOL. Probably bcos she buys the crap I told her. LOL

(Rearranged the sequence. Realised I done it wrongly.)

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Wed 22
SICK. Never went to work

Tue 21
Sick.Running nose since 113o. WTF. Tried to struggle til 9pm. Sian ah. Maybe Suntec not the place 4 me.

Mon 20
At Suntec. Lunch with Wendy. Siti only 22. Haha. The shock.

Sun 19
Pissed mode but relatively ok sales. Kept talking nonsense whole day.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Dark side?

Your dark side is centered around Destructive Power. A strong powerful castel built above
broken fragile glass, behind this settled confident look there is a beautiful, innocent child waiting for someone to play with. All you want is an independent caring soul, completes you, no more lies or worries, just a strong connection bonded by trust so you can feel special and confident, find a new meaning for everything, life will be almost perfect like you want. You will find what you want when know that life is not always like we want it to be.

What is the center of your dark core?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, December 19, 2004


Sat 18/12

Today spent time in Science Center for SCC's event.
Sucky?Yes. Bcos the lighting and sound is horrid.
The emcee is ok and the cosplayers are great but all spoilt by that.
I realised that maybe it is time to work harder to get a better camera.

Met Shuuichi (she looks Ravishing as Arwen --> Ah Wen ....not Ah Ven...) and Lenne (Lenne not Le Anne....really wondered where my mind is @) and Marchecox ( Hey!!!Isn't that a Joint by that name???) and of course the cool Man, Retsu. Man I tell you, he is Idol Hopeful next to me!!!We can make a stoner roadtrip movie together!!!
Also saw Orlha ( Who is that Hot CHICK!!!! LOL!!!! but really after she 'powered' down....she is Clark Kent!!!LOL!!!!!Now I know why Superman is never discovered!!!) and Lacus Clyne ( why is she always sitting down?)

Lenne did a good least she never broke down and ran off stage (I will. Or I will changed to do Stand-up Comedy). The audience tried to back her up by being silent. I will quite moved by her courage so I ran down to tell her how I felt....but I just forgot what to say to her after I saw her.LOL!

Shuuichi's grp isn't that bad. At least their sketch is understandable. They won a Grp prize. Congrats!!!

After event then Hajime appears.
What?????Like that lugi wat!Missed out all the fun stuff.

We then proceed to hang around the shopping complex.Eat dinner with SK, Hajime,Tu-di (Shuuichi's friend), Shuuichi, Tsukikage (Jack), Retsu and Eva (Steven)

Just rounds of talks and then Retsu and me went up for CS.
Play Artic map with the local players.
OK lah. I suck but Retsu is pretty good. Not top frag but he got a pretty good score despite limitations (not used to controls and never customise)
Practise makes perfect. My half-ass skills and attitude will never make it anywhere.

After we went out, we saw Tu-di,Eva and the gals sitting outside. Waiting for us???Or nothing to do???
What gives. Just sit down and just talk.
Haha I can click with Tu-di. Nice and easy-going guy.

Still cannot talk to Eva. Thanks to A-certain-2-somebodies, there's an AT field that blocks me from him. And it's not from him. It's me.

Going home, I took the North/South train back with Tu-di and the gals and Eva is left to go on the West/East line solo.

If I tell him the route I am taking, he might end up going back earlier. Yet again, I do not wish to be in awkward silence with someone I know. There's nothing wrong to say sorry or watever but guys shouldn't be mushy. And on top of that, now, although I want to apologise, I felt that there wasn't a need to. It's easy to say sorry but can you remember the consequences???I rather lose a friend-to-be now rather than let a mistake be repeated. It's a painful lesson to be learnt painfully. Besides, he might not even know what happened or forgotten about it.

Next time look for sights. Some girls are plain Trouble with a capital T.
I didn't realised it until C_T pointed it out. Then Retsu.
Then I finally formulate a picture when I asked Wan Ping.

Ayiki revealed that she flew back to Japan.....for match making sessions.
LOL. Same age as me and already going thru this kinda thing.

(Entry is fattened.Will continue to Edit and fatten entry if given time and memory.)

Friday, December 17, 2004

Friendster List...

M.I.A friends is funny.So actually to prevent anymore M.I.A incidents, I decided to list down who is who and if they are missing, is a MUST to find them.

- chIaKI - (Found and added bcos of hobby)
- PiNg FULL (Added bcos of photo?)
-yiLinG- (I got no idea why she is on my list)
aepryl (I got no idea.Perhaps a requester?)
aH bOn (Sganime but 4got nick)
aIsUbEkI (Sganime.)
Andrew aka pig (Hobby)
Angel (Sganime)
Anime Fan Club (Ayiki. Bcos of interest.Interestingly the only Friendster made Friend)
AnIme LuVErs (Interest Grp)
AnimeFriend (Interest Grp)
Annika (Bcos she is cute. Setup by her family friend. A toddler cat walker)
Aya (Interest Grp.Fan of Aya Ueto)
Barry Benjamin (Friend. Met at NS)
Beat e Rice (Added. No idea why. Must be during Mad Blitz Period. I added anyone wit a photo and female.)
Benjamin (Poly Friend.)
Blackites (Friend Linkage Account for Sqn)
Boxian (Sganime.)
C-JO (Sganime.)
CaMmY SeVeN (Mad Blitz.Nvr correspond)
Celeste (Mad Blitz.Nvr correspond)
Charm (M.B)
Chee Wee (Friend.My supvr in MMI)
cHeLLe (M.B)
Chinese (Sganime)
ChoNgHaN (Sganime)
Chun Kit (NS friend)
Clane (Sganime)
CooKie (Sganime?)
Darius (My Real Younger Brother)
Dayana (M.B)
Dj Kaoru (M.B. due to Interest)
doris (M.B.)
Dunman FULL (School)
Dunmanites (School)
Edmond (Sganime)
Eileen (M.B. Similar Interest)
Elie (Sganime)
ELiNz (M.B.)
Elrond (Sganime)
Eterna (Sganime)
Eugene DiNo (NS Friend)
EvA FreEmaN (Sganime)
Fafner (Interest Grp.)
Farah (Net friend???Yomiko's friend)
Fluffy (Sganime)
fritzie (M.B. Photo)
Gingitsune (Sganime)
GiRl GiRL (M.B.)
GSD FULL (Interest Grp)
Gundam (Interest)
Gundam (Interest)
GunDaM (Interest)
Guowei Mike (Poly Friend)
Hue (M.B.)
hUrtX I FULL (M.B.)
idnyc (Sganime)
IvY (M.B.)
jEanfarKert (M.B.)
JeSsiCa (M.B)
Jessica (Sganime)
JiaLing (M.B.)
Jian Xian (Sganime)
Jiehui (Sganime)
JieLeDing (M.B. Althot got correspond on MSN.Choir gal)
Johnson (M.B. bcos Interest?)
jOyCe VI-DO (M.B.)
j��媒c��.h��卯.x (M.B.)
katie FULL (M.B. Wah HOTTY ++ !!)
Keesha (M.B.)
Kevin (Friend. Met@MMI)
kiradyn (Sganime)
Kok Leong (Sganime)
Lee-Ann (M.b)
linda (M.b)
Linkin Park (Interest)
Linkin Park (Interest)
Lionel (Interest)
Loi (Poly friend.)
Mashimu (M.b. Interest)
ME (M.b)
Melisa (M.b.)
Melted Pasta (M.b)
micheLLeTWO (M.b)
Mr Ku (Sganime)
Natalia (M.b)
niKki-FuLL (M.b)
nOnyafuRbra (sganime)
pEi-LiNg (M.b)
pEiyEe (M.b)
Philip (Ns. Friend)
pRiNcEsS (M.b)
PuLVEe (M.b)
PuRe LoVe (M.b)
PuRe sNowbe (Poly Friend)
qeraldinepa (M.b)
qIanyun (M.b)
Qing xiu (Sganime)
Rei (Sganime)
Robin (sganime)
Rose (Sganime)
Sagara (Sganime)
Samantha (Sganime)
Sanzo (Sganime)
scorp (N.S. friend.)
Scratch (Sganime)
SgAnime (obvious)
sHaNgGei (M.S. WTF 10yrs old. Fark. I ought to be jailed.)
Shaun (N.S friend)
ShawnFan (N.S friend)
Shijia Shee (sganime)
SiMpLy CoNf (M.B.)
SpiderKim (sganime)
sPoilT (M.B.)
stella (M.B.)
Stinger (From Fafner Acct)
SuicidalAng (M.B.)
sun (Interest)
T M Revolut (Sganime)
tiffany (m.b.)
TingZ (m.b.)
TP Delta (skool)
Tsukikage (sganime)
Victor (sganime)
Viknesh (N.s. friend)
Vincent (Sganime)
vInDicAtEd (sganime)
Violet (sganime)
viViEn-fuLL (M.b.)
viVieN-tWo (M.b.)
Wei Cyan (NS Friend)
Wei Feng (NS Friend)
Wendy (friend.Met@Bugis Seiyuu)
Willie (NS Friend)
X-mcmkAkA (M.b.)
Xiaohui (sganime)
XuE FuLL (M.b)
XuE II (M.b)
Yan Zi Fan (Interest)
Yang Yi (Sec. School Classmate)
yasmin II (M.b)
Yina (Sganime)
Yomiko (Sganime)
Yoreiku (M.b)
Yu Neng (skool)
Yukina (sganime)
Yunita (M.b)
Yvonne (sganime)
Zhen wei (friendster friend)
Zhirong (N.s friend)
ZhOng (Sganime)
Zinan (Interest)

Quick recap again

Becos basically did nothing noteworthy....

Thur 16/12
Bought Hobby Dengeki Taiwan Sp Edition 1&2.
Ivy returned the MP210. End of it.I don't want to hear anything from her anymore.
I will never sell Mp210 to anyone anymore.

Wed 15/12
Shift with Wan Ting.I think she rich man daughter. Work to pass time.
Another Crescant Girl. Haha. Why huh?
Dun think will see her again since if I am not transfered out, I will get to work and off with Adrian for X'mas and Eve and New Year and Eve. School will start for her. Strange that people meet up and then move on in life.

Tue 14/12
Work with Randy in Supreme Court.
He can click with anyone. Really envy him.

Mon 13/12
Monday is another mess around day as low human traffic.

Sun 12/12
Sunday is mess around day with Sim, Nadiah and Huibin and that Indian gal from RP.
Young ppl. Cannot tahan. Lucky I am not the supervisor.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Quickie recap

sat 11/12
Early morning serve Ang-moh, sell my fav Weather Station.
Due to that, I escaped from having to speak to ZAX and that Sun Xiezhi from 5566. Aren't they supposed to be surrounded by hordes of Gal Fans all the time????Gees.....wonder if they think I am more eager to please Ang-moh than them. Listen yor and hard. Ya. I am. Bcos most likely that Ang Moh will come back and back but when will 5566?????Haha. Besides I can explain in Mandarin becuse my training lessons are in English.

fri 10/12
Not where the black coaches of sorrow had taken you. I cannot remember what I did.

thur 9/12
Spinning Saucer across the sky.I had no idea whether to cry.

wed 8/12
today work with Wan Ting. She is fine but her friends....I think her friends look fine except for being overly dressed.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Quickie of last week

No time.......I just post now and edit slowly....

Tue 7
Went to Joyly's house and rot there.Black Dog overly excited about me.Bark non-stop.
Watch 2046. Their house is a mess. Heard Uncle is going to move again. Oh well.
Wendy SMS me. I was in a confused mode so I dunno if I msg her correctly. I hope she drops by my blog?

Mon 6
Nothing much. Met this who at Mac. She now at Robinson.Anyway what's her name? Watever. Must be Ella or some butchy name. She looks pretty just that at the same time. I dun think she is a lesbian.

Sun 5
Gloomy Sunday. 'Nuff said. Working on Sunday is Sucky.

Sat 4
Saturday. Nothing much. Xcept saw Fann Wong's Fans queing for autograph. Never saw Fann.

Fri 3
Nothing. Little White Flowers doesn't awaken you.

Thur 2
Nothing. Would they be angry if I some what follow you.

Wed 1
Nothing. The 1st 3 days of the month is a blur to me.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Off Day.

Today off.
Hence I wanted to update my commission sheet on the Seiyuu Corner Sales.
Too bad Garry isn't around and I wasn't in uniform so I will be back on Thurs to do it.

Called Joyce out because she was rotting at home and she still need my Ryuki Vol. 5.
Also wanted to borrow her disc.

Watched The Incredibles together.It's a great movie.

Met WC and Dino at the Lame juice Corner at 7.30pm.Talk Cock and Sing Song.