Monday, July 30, 2007

Watched: The Simpsons Movie

I admit I ain't hardcore fan of The Simpsons and I didn't watch any more episodes when they moved it about to oddball timing and finally, disappeared from Singapore's public TV.

In fact it should be very long ago since I cannot even recall what the last episode I watch was about.

Nevertheless, you don't need to watch every single episode, just to enjoy it. (Still you need at least abit of knowledge of the other folks in Springfield.)

The movie starts by Breaking the Fourth Wall, with Homer telling us we are stupid to pay for something that's for free indirectly (via complaining in the cinema about watching a movie version of Itchy and Scratchy). The movie also turn it's back later on and laughed at itself as a advert message scrolls belows, reminding us of the movie's origin as a TV series. This gag went on further with a 'mock end' cliffhanger (which happens in extended story arcs, season finale) when the movie is coming to an end.

It didn't fail to live up it's promises to be funny althought it went abit too fast paced in the begining and it feels somewhat penalising when the movie went to a slight slowdown for emotional moments. Also the issue of that town folks of Springfield are under utilised, serving as back drop or sight gag.

I don't see the need to type anything abou the plot. Just go watch it.

The donut in the posters is a key essential to the movie if you need to know.

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