Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Little Miss Sunshine

I love road trip movies as there are seldom any sequels involved. There's always a start and an end and very often humourous and enlightening.

Road trip movies always involved a bunch of people (or sometimes a pair) journeying together. Sometimes they love each other and sometimes they don't (or complete strangers). You can say there's no choice (or escape) from each other. Maybe they didn't all get all what they want but in the end and often end up with something more than what they bargained for.

Little Miss Sunshine is about a dysfunctional family involving:
- A start-up Father trying to sell his motivational program (9 steps to be a winner)
- A gay uncle who is just attempted suicide over a failed relationship
- A son who just stops talking
- A grandpa whose tips to the grandson is "Fuck a lot of women". He snorts heroin.

Just add in the hysterical mother and the beauty queen aspiring daughter and we are done!

So what's the journey for?
To enter Olive (the daughter) in the Little Miss Sunshine finals.

And so the whole family packed themselves onto the Volkswagon m

It's a great little movie and maybe slightly overhyped (or under. Depends on how you look at it) but nevertheless it's funny and endearing and perhaps you learn something at the end of this movie.

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