Friday, October 27, 2006

Watched : Nihon Chinbotsu

Having watched the classic movie, I guess the remake will be okay. Oh well.

Nihon Chinbotsu starts with a town that was ravaged by earthquake. A lone survivor, a young girl wandered down the road. Toshio, climbing out from his car, spotted Misaki, the young girl from afar. He noticed the fuel tank of a neighbouring car is leaking badly with the fuel gushing over all over the road. Misaki in a daze is still heading down that stretch. Toshio shouted out but sensing she wasn't paying attention. He started to run towards her.

Just then, the ground rumbled. It's another tremor!

A electric post fell and instantly, Misaki is surrounded by flames.
Just then a search and rescue officer came in on a copter and hauled Misaki up.
Suddenly the cars nearby exploded.
The rescue officer came out from the flames with Misaki in her arms.

This is the best part of the movie actually, IMO.

The movie came out unfocused actually. The romance is kind of broken and like some of filler or interruption because the sinking itself is boring. It's beautiful and majestic but there's no flavour to it. You feel no pain or sense of lose for the events. They forgot the drama in between.

I am not really disappointed with it. I might be more disappointed if I watched Death Note.

The nice part is the science behind the sinking. It makes sense and I appreciate that part very much.

Oh and if people think Sinking of Japan is a flop. It's not.
It should be popular since on the same year, a movie called "Sinking of everything except Japan".
I think it's a MUST WATCH (note: when d4 jio you a movie, you better think twice. He loves bad cinema.) <---- Everything Sinks

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