Thursday, February 24, 2005

The big update?

Either it's plain laziness or what or being too pre-occupied I failed to so-called update the blog often as enough as I deem it.

Maybe I don't have time anymore for this. Or perhaps I just felt that I am totally disconnected from the so-called Internet. Friends and such.

I go onto the Sganime forum. I look around. It's people you neither like or dislike so the interest wasn't there and the same things go over and over.Boring.

Over at Katoots, there wasn't any room for discussion since you can just jolly well read their postings. Comments?What for?Let the expert do the talking. Learning, sometimes, is an experience that is easier if you listen more, think less and talk when you are needed.

As for entries are as dried as twigs. Notice the bush fires lately???I half expected my blog to catch fire also. It didn't of course. Stuffs on nets don't catch fire unless you count 'flaming' in.

I felt disconnected.
I always do.
I could be in front of someone
Yet I can somewhere, say South Pole, cold and with the penguines.

Alright some dry stuffs for the bush fires.

23rd Feb

Worked till 1am.
Shop going thru renovation.
I watched 1/2 of disc 1 of Hana & Alice.
It's a weird show. I wanted to watch earlier but there are way too many people around making all that din.

Earlier the Fengshui Master came over. Oh wow those stuff works. He boosted the sales by 50% (bcos we only sold 2 items earlier.) Not a bad start. Too bad I don't believe him because he look like Barry. Not that Barry is a conman of course. Or that I don't believe Barry of course. It's just the combination of Barry looks and Fengshui. Haha.

22nd Feb

Dinner with the Air Force guys at 85. I think it was the biggest gathering for us because Barry and Tommy are here with me of course. Hardly got time to go for these. Lucky I was doing morning shift.

After that LAN. C.S 1.6 is weird. It's the 1st time we play LAN with the help of a shop assistant. LOL!

21st Feb

Birthday.I never celebrate of course as usual.

Thks Husaini and Sinying for the SMS.

20th Feb

Watch Constantine with Joce.

The Perfect Keanu Reeves movie. He just need to mumble and do the same expression and it beats Matrix (in my case) is that the storyline is easy to absorb. Sit back and enjoy the ride. Visual effects are great and you get the usual deep metaphors. and Keanu one liners.

19th Feb

-Nothing was ever here-

18th Feb

Night went to Pang's House.
I got nothing to say.
For the Man I Knew that Had Everything,
had more one of each Something,
I guess.

Rather than Envy.......hmm.....or Jealousy....I felt nothing....I think I attained Nirvana is that area (When intensity goes beyond a level, you return to zero or reach enlightenment.)

I can only tell myself......better luck Next Life.

17th Feb

-Nothing was inside the mind. Or the head was empty. My choice.-

Ah fark.......watever...back counting is tiring....

10-16th FEb
Next time. If I can remember.

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