Monday, September 20, 2004

Blog skin for Max_Blue

Yumiko was being nice, asked me to help with another blog (I can't help her!!!I make blogskin but I know none of those fanciful stuffs!!!!!And she keep asking me to modify works that I cannot comprehend.Yes I am very dense when it comes to CSS.)

Anyway I create an original one for Max-Blue.Ironically I was flipping through my library of tokusetsu (he is a fan but a Power Ranger fan) scans when I saw this nifty shot of Kuuga from the SIC book.I took the liberty of PSing the image (who would want to just put a scan and that's it?)

.....and so it's a RED themed blog skin for MAX BLUE (hahaha).

I tried to use all the secondary colors of Kuuga (Green,Blue and Purple) for the fonts and all that.
Of course no one can see that bcos it's just a standard blog layout that doesn't impress.

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