Sunday, September 26, 2004

Andy's Wedding

Yesterday was my friend, Andy Chua's wedding.Being doing for 2nd time of the year,I roughly get the idea of going about it.This time is slightly different since I managed to hitch a ride from Tommy.

Yes Tommy.The Last Man.Reknown for superstar arrival time,he is late.This time round his line is : My watch slower.Yes I buy your story Tommy.Yes it's 0605 on your clock.Shouldn't I meet you at 0605????Haha.He is late no matter what.

And off we go.Andy was lucky.Due to our tardiness,the girls didn't to play around as
1)No time
2)They too soft-hearted. (Secondary School Friends almost of all of that's awfully long.I heard he woo her since '95.WoW.)
3)They scare neighbour complain?
4)We are civilised people!

Everything was going so smooth sailing unlike the other one.I think that's the difference between a carefully thought planning and one that got screwed bcos they panic?

Anyway we get away easy because of the tight schedule and somehow because we cannot click with the gals????

Wedding dinner, we had vegetarian.Vegetarian is good but bad when you had to eat a table of 10 when you got only 7.Thank god for the kid.Boys that are hyperactive and growing up always had good appetite.Anyway it's a nice dinner.Too bad my red packet is too small.I hope Andy don't mind.Well I guess I had to make up for it for the House Warming (if I got sufficient funds that is at that time).

Anyway eternal bliss to Mr. Andy Chua Tze Peng and his beloved wife, Miss Tay Li Theng.Hopefully Mr. Chua can fully utilised the government incentives and add more People to the population of Singapore in near future, haha.

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