Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Sing Sang

Those who have STOPPED downloading after the date of Sep 03 will not get any letters from us.

Oh. Assurance.
But....his idea of a warning shot is bizarre.
He was obviously never been threaten or given a dateline.

The reason why the heat escalated so fast was that their previous warning shot failed to sound.
No one can confirm it. No one spread the news and No one DECLARED IT openly.

Yes. The handling of the warning shot is very important.
You need the people to stop, you got to tell them to stop in a CLEAR and AUDIBLE manner.
You will need to go through all medium possible and give them ample time to react.

Sing made his declaration on 03 Sep 1.07pm.
On the ODEX forum
Singaporeans who persisted has......only 11 hours to react?

11 hours to spread the news to everyone. Wow.



p.s. d4thday took 30hrs to even give everyone a heads up. So what do you think? Will it be possible that anyone with determination to stop be hearing the news on time??? LOL.

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