Monday, September 24, 2007

Grindhouse: Planet Terror

Yes, Singapore finally have the Original Double bill Grindhouse (Limited Screens however) but who is going to pay for something that is watered down when you can catch both on it's own (DVD for Deathproof and Planet Terror on the big screen).

I am not too sure I will since Deathproof on it's own is kind of hmmm....but a watered down Deathproof might bring it to speed for those who aren't Boredproof.

Anyway Planet Terror is surprisingly good for it's B grade glory. QT must have liked Planet Terror (they probably drew lots for what to do on their Grindhouse project....guess who won???) so much he had to be in it himself (as a consolation for not directing it himself???).

Storyline was pretty simple. Some blackmarket experimental Biochemical weapon was set upon a small town in Texas changing the affected into aggressive killer psychopaths. Those who remained normal band themselves to fight their way out.

It was very entertaining. Sad to say it's R21 so if you aren't watching it, you wouldn't be watching it (the legal way).

Among the FAKE trailers in Grindhouse, Machete is set to be a real feature film.
Looking forward to that.

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