Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ar Tonelico (PS2)

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Oddly this game should be for the PSP. Really. If it isn't memory constraints or such, this is a pretty good game for those on the go. The dungeons are painfully straight forward, the 100% fleeing ability (I think. Since I never got a backlash for fleeing). You are not forced to do everything and you don't get penalised for a slight mistake. This is a very forgiving game (at least for me). The setup is so forgiving, leveling up is like some what non existant since you level so often, you don't pay attention to it some what like FF VIII.

The only thing you need to pay attention are:
- Weapons and Equipments. The best weapons are through Grathmelding which is the "usual mix the inventory" routine. Believe me, you can roughly ignore the rest of the other stuffs. A good equipment setup (enhancement..yes..insert so-so crystal effects) and you get thru any fights using just Blue Magic alone.
- Diving. Yes. It's going into your Reyvateil's cosmosphere (mind) and then create Song Magic (song bo brother!). AkA the Main Minigame which is the AVG. 3 Reyvateil to choose from and craft between 7 game endings. No SUPERHAREM ending however.

The rest are tibits. I complete it on 31 hours which is less than what I expected (45hrs is my ETA). I do think I lose out on alot of things.

Oh ya if you wish to complete your hymn collection, you do have to play about 2 times depending where you last saved. There's 2 variation of certain 2 hymns which is up to you to choose when you are at near end of phase 1 and start of phase 2 (misha or aurica mission).

Overall due to the AVG elements, everyone else other than the Reyvateils are cookie cutter stock characters. The storyline is fair. Standard without too cheesy (despite a good amount of sexual innuendo can either be viewed as yucky or sexy. LOL). Kind of Lyner, like how his name was pronounced in the game (LINER), straight forward. Good music with the Japanese vocals retained (but I played it with the English voiceovers. No. My ears didn't bleed althought there are the few mishaps going on). Highly recommend for gamers who are lazy and got 2 hrs a day to play games. Strongly recommend for gamers who got enough with epic titles that takes you 99 hours just to see a generic happy ending.

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