Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sgcafe is all I blogs about!!!!

Yesterday someone pasted my face all over some active threads in the forum.

I laughed.
Because it was an old photo of mine that's all over the forum for a long time. Anyone who wish to play around can get it from the forum rather than friendsters.

I did the necessary. PM kenshin to report mischief. He cannot do much for me but a list of suspects is useful. (Anyway I knew who it is by the next 10 mins).

Then comes the dedicated thread. Sugoi. I haven't been so involved in wanting to play a game since Last Thursday (you wouldn't want to know).

You see the fact that it is fun because you know who it was from the start. Getting to make them admit is even more fun.

Unfortunately the Metrosexual Guy really took offends on what I blogged. I know I know. I should be sensitive to the M guys because they can be really sensitive. Then again, I saw how he reacted to me and get petty. Natural response from his type.

Here's a sample on what he typed about me

#1 tusuki-chan
I want to play a game.

All along this person, d4 has scampered around the sgcafe threads, correcting people, boosting his own ego, infusing information that most of the time only he believes it to be true.

He types words that hurt people. Like a spear peforating their hearts.

And when he gets hurt, he blogs about it, just to make himself feel a wee bit better.

He seems to be apathetic, mostly just pathetic.

Have fun d4.

Huh????Like how???It's false claim. There's a lot of posting with Mockery. Never with a purpose to "hurt people. Like a spear peforating their hearts". I am also honest with my views. I wouldn't flip and flop it around, gladly taking in pointers in "Passionate" discussions. Somehow, some wretch can't tell what is what. I don't blame her. I blame her parents for not being good role models. No? I shouldn't blame that?But that's what written on her blog. Huh? She got a hard life? Go easy on her?

The whole purpose of this nonsense is because I reject her offer to add her on MSN.
I don't see the point, I don't see the need. Plus my MSN is really full.

(Remember people. Your login and password is for yourself)
No matter how much IQ you had. A bad liar is a bad liar. Playing between accounts that doesn't belong to you is easy. Disguise however is some work. IQ but lack of tech knowledge is not going to help.
(Remember people. Your login and password is for yourself)

Ok. Back to the SMARTASS.
Maybe the other two starts to know and gloat over it.
They think playing face with a heel's heart and playing "I KNOW" and you are a fool was easy but they forgot that whatever they type can go back to them. In fact quite a few members spotted and then laughed over MSN how silly they look.

I got myself some time to think about it while playing Demon Summoner before turning in early so I can wake up early for jogging.

At the same time, someone whose head too big for his hat (swelling over VICTORY?Nah. It was an empty one.) I guess when I went back.
He was a big mouth so I should ought to credit him. Dropping hints is just cheesy. I got no time for scooby-doo.

I believe in Karma. Some bad karma are meant to be resolved.
After Kenshin gives me what I need to "Baselessly slander" them.
Putting on a signature that makes no sense to people who don't know.
Then I go over the thread most popular with them. And let it start.

I also started a thread to vote if I should go.
She's right. The decision is mine but I want her and her peanut boyfriend to know one thing. Playing sneaky doesn't pays. Just because you cannot control your friends doesn't mean you had to take the fall for them.


For a person like me. For a person like him. I read how the way he types about me IRL based on just the thing on the sidebar. The thing on the sidebar was there since June '05. The only changes I ever made was the age which I tinker so I don't need to update for a long time.

It takes a whole lot more than personal attacks to make me fire up IRL. You love games in the open? Bring it on. I got the whole Thursday to play slow. If the forum is all you had, you shouldn't impose that ruling on me because I got

- Family
- Friends
- Workmates
- Pretty XMM
- A not so pretty GF
- Self-Esteem
- Honesty to accept Responsibility for one's action
- Guts (which they lacked) and courage

I can give up posting in sgcafe even but I wouldn't go without a drama and getting the culprit to admit. I am sick and tired of the hypocrite who goes around pretending nice when he is just a dog. I don't even know why the IDIOTS let him hang around. He was hoping for a threesome?
Come on IDIOTS. Can't you see he is just bored and stirring things in the name of JUSTICE?
A person who did it before knows the feeling of it. I am no Saint but I know what I am. However for a DOG who kept barking how he "cares" for his friend yet remain "neutral" is a PUSSY FREAK. I don't even know what a PUSSY FREAK can do.

Was that Elvish for Pussy?So how do you spell PUSSY in Elvish?

oh oh. I answer to Tusuki-chan enquiry too.

And when he gets hurt, he blogs about it, just to make himself feel a wee bit better.

Tusuki-chan. I suspect your Yamato Warship Sized Penis blocked your PC monitor. How can you hurt me via ONLINE? There's nothing on HURT typed on my blog.There's just issues I need to type so as answer to friends who asked.

Friends who are really concern about both the person onscreen and offscreen.

About the EGO BOOSTING. Yes. Thank You. You reminded me that I ought to do.
How many people are telling me I shouldn't go???

Now that's Attention Whoring and Ego Boosting. It's disgusting and wrong but why did it feel so GOOOOOOOOOOD????????

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