Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Can you be gay and metrosexual?

Metrosexuality is NOT a Sexual Deviant.
Althought you can be gay if you are a metrosexual.
However, being GAY isn't really means you are a Metrosexual.
Don't get it wrong kids.

What's a good Metrosexual Guy that is Straight (Hetero Metrosexual)?

- David Beckham (Sports Celebrity. Soccer Player)
- Brad Pitt (Hollywood Celebrity. Actor)

An article by David Simpson the original writer who coined the term.
Google on to read more of David Simpson.

So is there an example of the Gay Metrosexual Guy?Yes there are but far and few that I myself will consider them as Metrosexual since they look too LOUD to be Metrosexual.

Look around however, you will realised that there are actually Real Life Metrosexuals that are GAY.

Tasteful dressing? Check.
Masculine built? Check.
Smooth Talking? Check.
Get Along with Everyone? Check
He kissed a 'loud' man in D&D? .....check
Is he Gay?.....unfortunately YES. He came out of the closet a few months back.

Still he is an example for us guys because he was a good example and good friend. Althought we cannot tell jokes about gays anymore.

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