Tuesday, May 30, 2006

d4's bad love advice

Some dude got the cheek to narrate a portion of his tale to me and then rant again on his blog.
Like I always say, the same service will come to this bus stop but never will be the same bus (unless you so lucky waiting for a loop service. One advice on loop service....the journey is never nong.)

Alright, I don't have the street creds to prove my worth.
But homey, life's journey is about hits and misses.
Usually you can learn from the people who misses. Learn from their mistakes.

Boy Bouncey was Queing for his Subway sandwich. Just in front of him (minus 3 peeps), is a course mate who he met during poly dayz.

Now let's analyse the pre-game setup:
1)He knows the girl.
2)Gal is HaWT
3)Minus 3 peeps and you can smell her. That's how close you can get. Yes

what are the options?
a)Move in. Chat up with the gal. Cut the Q and eat with the gal. (Monster kill!)
b)Wait up. Buy your stuff. Move in. Chat. Eat with the gal.
c)Wait up. Buy your stuff. Move in. Chat. Eat at workplace. Chat about the penalty kick you forfeited with another loser.
d)Leave the Q. Wait for the girl to finish buying at a distance. Once she sat down. Move in. Chat. She might ask you if you eaten. Now that's a signal for bonus game. Buy light but eat slow (normal slow. Not Matrix slow). Ask her if she like a coke or lemon tea. That is to ensure that she had not other choice to change her decision afterwards to maximise the time spent together. Upon parting, remember to ask for the next possible meet-up opportunity.

All 4 options are not so bad. The worst is you buy and left. Then whine.

Post Mortem are very important. Bouncy Boy took Option C the worse of the 4 options.
For one, he already took iniative to talk. She knows him. There was a comfortable chat. He had his food on hand. He ought to eat it before it turns cold. He did however asked if she worked at the same building. Now that's a next opportunity chance but he finished with a weak, "I work at so-and-so". It's often rare that the girl might like to say "yes" for a get together on dinner break with someone she knows but not much so but an attempt is an attempt. You don't try to fish, you never learn how to fish.

Oh well. Homey I hope the next time it happens, remember the Golden Rule of it:

Make the best out every situation. Milk it dry every single opportunity.

So how's that for d4's love advice?

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