Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Last Update for the month???The monster update...not (Part 1)

Oh ya nothing really much happened so here's some short reviews on what I see and I played...

Sky High
Sky High is the name of the school that schools potential Superheroes. In this school, you are either a Hero or a Sidekick. This pretty much sums up as a elitist school that guage a person's potential to do this base on tests. It's unfair but it's one of the best way to work it out.

Anyway it's a regular misfit story. It's a great film and so I am gonna reveal anything else about the straight as ruler storyline.

Godzilla: Final Wars
This is perhaps one of the less boring Godzilla movies I watched but it's the most boring action movie I ever watch. Godzilla returns to fight Aliens that controlled his past opponents. And it's the one that had the most fighting actions by humans in Godzilla history. It's good but too experimental for my liking.

Funny I watched this on the PSP. Anyway it's a great toku series with amazing creature designs and fight scenes and setting. Garo isn't the fiercest looking toku hero around (but he is the most shiny and golden. LoL). A midnight slot feature so it goes to where other Toku didn't really venture. Loads of fun and terror. Recommended.

Harry Potter : Goblet of Fire
The first in my organised outing that goes beyond 3 people (And Actually Watching the Movie). LoL. I think the critical part is to find the right person to bait other people. Actually I just want about 4 people only because buy tickets easier. Not to mention it's a HOT movie and watching on SUNDAY. Thank God for CT for insisting to watch it on 10+. BUT I didn't THANK GOD for the backache that comes with the movie.

Anyway I realised that the whole world didn't sleep at the same time. Hajime can sleep at 5am. Wonderful. And Tsukikage at 3am as per Yuki. Guess there's a potential for Cafes that operates only at night....I guess Yuki knows what kind of Cafe I am refering to...

Anyway it's another year Hogwarts but everyone is growing up too fast. LoL.
It's a great movie considering I didn't read the book at all. Lord Voldemort looks so Alien...I swore he is Crazy Frog's Cousin since Crazy Frog is so evily annoying.

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