Tuesday, March 15, 2005

same-old update

Listening to Zhang Yu's compliation album [Nan Ren de Hao]

--->The bloody MTV for this Title song is about 2 guys and a gal. And the gal is the odd one out. Make a guess : ) . Yes. This actually an old song.


I think all those lack of sleep, the nightmares and the boring workplace doesn't bred a good blog entry (as if there was any good Entry I ever made anyway).

Oh well. I couldn't remember what I did.
The nights got worse.
The mornings got earlier.

Just some thought.
Why should someone cry if she found out that the guy she two-timed on, two-timed her?
Is it because of tears of sadness?Genuine feelings invested?
Or tears because of shame?The player got played out and She simply just cannot keep it Canned Inside that she lost?

Perhaps is it really that no matter what kind of sham the player puts on, there is something genuine inside?

For me, I really had anything on that department. Althought my ideas are still the same old nonsense.......

"Reject others before others can reject you".

It's something I picked up from Ashes of Time.

But in a sense somehow, you are always a Reject.

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