Monday, March 17, 2008

Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone

Evangelion 1.0 is an alternate Retelling/Reanimated Movie.

It probably had more meaning if you are going to watch the rest of the Rebuild movies or actually experienced NGE beforehand.

Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone brings back 2 phenomenon of the '90s in a single sitting.

Namely NGE itself and Hikki...Utada Hikaru who sang Beautiful World, theme song to the movie itself.

In the movie, after the song ends there's the money shot we are suppose to be getting. A trailer. As soon as the familiar melody rang, a voice was cut off and we are facing a blank.

It was cut. Either due to the lack of Confidence in the local market by Cathay (does not want to commit to be bringing the next movie) or simply a marketing gimmick by the film makers.

What a wet blanket.

I am not going to be specify but everything you see in the MV is inside and everything will be about the same with all the key points and dialogues presented. However there's some minor tweaking and likely putting the money on the word "ALTERNATE" in the upcoming movies.

Be prepared, people. It's the Second Impact.

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