Invincible's art, at best, should be called Bare Minimal. There's a god 300 titles out that can easily impressed the readers out there in terms of Splash pages, effects, character design, fantastic artwork, amazing details. Invincible doesn't. It's very simple stuff with simple colouring, light on the eye stuff. However don't be fooled. What's in there is very clever scripting and design. Invincible is engaging without trying to fuck your eyeballs off.
Mark Greyson is a simple teenager flipping burgers and eyeing the fry machines. Then puberty came. All the sudden, he will be able to do what his father, Omni-man been doing.
Superhero stuff.
Wow. That's a rather plain origin. He wasn't bitten by a Spider, exposed to Galactic Radiation or made a pact with a demon. Nothing exciting. Except his father lied.
He lied about who he was and what he is going to do.
I am not going to give the game away but if you got intentions you can pick up Invincible with 3 options: Standard trades (I choose this) or Hardcover Ultimate Collection (Hamster Killer) or Hardcover Complete Collection (The Puppy Killer). I can say that most FAMOUS titles didn't had a Puppy Killer within 4 years of publication so it does say how good (or how Image strongly pushed this title).
Oh and they are going to make a movie
Althought some of the twists, plotline wouldn't much of a shocker if you read quite a bit of manga titles.
If you are interested, here's issue #01 (on the Top right.)
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