Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sakura Taisen 4 (PC)

Ah. Sakura Taisen.

Finally bought the final installment to the Ogami Kagekidan (part 4).

I felt kind of being ripoff because it feels like an translated DC emulation rather than a real PC conversion. (And the game inherent contend is really thin)

Then again it's the only option so I probably had to stick to it.

At first I was thinking where's the chapter break/next chapter preview until I released that this whole game itself is AN EPISODE.

There are quite few events and there's pretty much less challenge to the battle sequences as compared to previous games. You can run through the game is about 8 hours. Interaction of characters are pretty much sufficient to tell the overall story although I wished I kept my Sakura Taisen 3's save file which might be able to port over so I get Glycine rather than Erica to pester me. (So as to be consistent). Not that I didn't like Erica just that romancing a nun is......kind of strange. In fact part 3's cast are kind of strange). Glycine was a choice more of due to Battle Strategy than preference.

My natural preferred partner for the Teikoku side is of course Sakura. Be it combat or peacetime narrative. So when it comes to making choices to pilot a 2 sitter, there isn't a need to hesitate.

Sakura is the choice for me.

Our journey ended as Nagayasu disappears knowing that city of Ginza is well taken care. With that, Yoneda retires, entrusting his duties to Ogami and the Kazegumi and the Baragumi moving out.

With this,

we bid farewell to the Ogami arc of Sakura Taisen, a journey that began for me 10 years ago.

However, I will be looking into the chinese edition of Sakura Taisen ~Atsuki Chishio ni~ for the PS2.

P.S. My desktop is having problems loading the typing interface of blogspot which is why I didn't update for almost a month. (an excuse)

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