Monday, July 17, 2006


oh post-Haruhi wise, I got to admit, I neglect Anime and Tokusetsu altogether. When you see a series batch around, well, just take it.

Gal Circle (gyarusa/galcir)

A cowboy in Shibuya.
A hilly billy Japanese Cowboy (don't take it as a profession. He is a screen cowboy. Kinda like Screen Ninja. They don't exist and purely stereotype) went in search for a girl who his friend an Red Indian (a Japanese Indian to be precise. Althought It's a Screen Red Indian) wants to seek before he is dead.
His search comes to Shibuya which is plagued by Para Para Girls who does nothing but create trouble to the residential shop owners (another silly stereotype).

Really the story is darn simple althought the twist and turns are hilarious and the lesson of the day was some what helpful but you just cannot help but think that only in Japan can you draft such a crap expect people to still watch it. Then again Taiwan creates more Crap than that and you still got it showing on your S'porean TV.

Fujiki Naohito is one of the actors from my generation (I guess) and he was always in Suits and Shirts as far as I can remember seeing him. So it's kinda refreshing to see him in a Cowboy suit and acting hilly billy silly.

In Shibuya (in this show) and from Sh15uya is Aragaki Yui whose face recently pops on Gundam Ace due to her involvement with Keroro Gunsou as a seiyuu (more actresses are jumping on the bandwagon. Including toku ones.)

And Toda Erika (as Saki. Every episode is about her literally) is in Death Note. Well, I will watch the movie if I want to see her on the big screen.

And there's Musume's alumni Yaguchi Mari. Still pint size as ever.

Attention Please

Profession Dramas are always a good watch but it's always been a stale format.
Get a very different rookie/newbie with a passionate attitude. Kicks aways bad habits and keeps the bond stronger. You know. That kinda stuff. Attention Please isn't any different from the Sports Manga serials Aya had been doing except rather being the bullied goody 2 shoe, she is the Punk Gal who is the Rebel.

This is one about how she turns the odds of Impossible to EXcellent (as usual).

The nice part about this is that Aya gets to be in a JAL Uniform. If you are patient enough, sit back and watch the credits as she prances about and give her megawatts smile in JAL's line of uniforms for Cabin Attendants through out the years. This is also the usual spanky, genki Aya so it's closer to who she is compare to the Sports Drama.

The supporting casts are great fun to watch. And there's the Japan Premier's (Koizumi) son in it.
He got a recurring role (but not at all meaty) as a trainee pilot who is in the job just to hook some chicks. Lol. I mean who wouldn't too?

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