Thursday, October 20, 2005

Summing up.

The Skeleton Key

I realised my tongue tied at the word 'skeleton'.Must be the gum ache that I am having that day (EXCUSE) Nevertheless I got my tickets and the ticketing crew didn't give me a hard time either (laugh weakly)

The movie pacing is slow and somehow if you watch enough of movies of that nature, you can smell clues far away and gloat over "I know that!!!And it was midway through the movie!".
Trailer made it look terrifying but actually it's more eerie and creepy rather than cheap shlock.

Suggest cinema,rental or HBO/Cinemax. Tv with advert wouldn't do it justice.

For the pre-show 15-20mins of trailer, we got more of horror trailers. So I didn't think I will see that Chicken Little "Put your Handphone silent" message.

Yet it did. Much to my annoyance and Yuki was awfully delighted about seeing it.

Rapid Culture

Went over because I just want to play 'draw lots' (LoL).
Inuran asked me "where I die to." citing "thought I died".
(That's a topic for later.)
Not really angry with her althought I don't really think we are that close enough for her to be qualified to say that .
(Althought I admit I feel that we do have affinity between us. As in friends lah lest stray minds.)

Anyway I got Auel for the Petite Stage and Heine for EF3.

What Auel reads to me : "You are at a confused stage. Soft of at cross roads of some kind. You dumb yourself to avoid confrontation"
What Heine reads to me : "Ought to treat people. Like being friendlier"

Both reads: "Think before act. Look before you charge. Horrible death awaits due to Impulsive behaviour".

Oh well. Screw that. It's just an excuse to buy figurines for silly photo shoots.

SRW Alpha the 2nd

Sunday is raining badly so I just played SRW to do away time (oddly I remember playing Original SRW Aplha on rainy days too)

So far it's quite chicken feet stuff. The platoon system still boogles me. I just heck it and just pick n mix for amusement
rather for maximium effiency.


Another Japanese animanga movie. Devilman is considered a poorer effort compare to Casshern in the area of story telling or

The fight scenes are very very videogame cutscene. Graphics and dynamic is comparable to Advent Children but very short and brief

There are many instances which dropped Devilman to Camp rather than Cult.

Like the mutant gal who turned into a butterfly and suddenly she was in striking pink underneath her coat O(which I thought to be something dull because she that kind of dull girl who just lumbers around in her school life. From no where she got a katana and chop-shtick bang bang her opponents.

Or Akira in his manga getup (casual wear). Yellow Tee with leather pants and big A. LoL.

Or Devil-Akira posing with a hand by the front like a guarding posture whenever he appears as per to manga. It's lame when you don't find it necessary.

While trying to a similar message as per to Casshern (both released about the same time), Devilman turns out to be a B-grade movie with a manga story rather than a animeseque movie (deep profound messages, artsy fartsy). Makes great popcorn video which you can watched during a gathering with friends as they read magazines, chit-chat and play poker cards.

There and Back Again (part 2)

I finished the book.

In short, Sean Astin is nothing like Sam less (who is my favourite character in RoTK).
Sean is a just talented actor who is buried among among the cast of heroes playing a noble Everyman. He doesn't get as many scenes or given action scenes which people can remember.
Yet he is given the best lines to strike a chord with the Everyman in us and he did very well in it,
However other than emphasising what we already know, Astin shows us the Hollywood side of himself with all the rantings, what an Everyman would. He hoped to be memorise and to mesmerise. And he show how gullible he was in regard to the Followship tattoo incident.

GSD - The End?

I just finished the last 2 episodes of GSD. Man. What a conclusion.
It pretty much wrapped up everything.
However there's no climatic battle or built-up.
It pretty much like someone said something but he told it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter indeed. Except he got it rich meanwhile.

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