Jeez. Here's what in the shopping bag:
- Detroit Metal City (5)
- Astro Fighter Sunred (6)
- Nichijou (1)
- Kuchisake Onna Arawaru!
Ok. The books are kind of strange althought 3 of them are gag manga with the exception of the last title (which is a horror/suspense).
Detroit Metal City
(Bottom Right on the Photo)
Sure. Detroit Metal City looks weird but it's perfectly fine despite the odd translation (Yes. It's actually tough to translate. I think) and rather mundane artwork which isn't a stranger to Gag manga. Still it's not weird and in fact, I think it's rather popular. It got a Life action movie and a
OVA anime. Still, the book run on a formula which by far, not failing yet.
Check out the links!!!:
- Go to DMC!!! (OVA)
- Go to DMC!!! (MOVIE)
Astro Fighter Sunred
(Top right)
Translated name as Tentai Senshi Sunred.
It's a gag manga so featuring some really "strange" (AKA Less than Desirable) artwork is nothing out of the norm. The storyline is about a Sentai hero living a daily as a bum living off his OL girlfriend. However the main protagonist should be the "obasan"-like neighbourly, "Evil" Mastermind who tried to defeat Sunred with his mild manner ways and equally incompetent slew of "Monster of the Week" creatures. It's even funnier that someone actually took the joke forward by making it an anime.
- Anime Website
(Top Left) the opposite of what the title meant (which means The Daily Norm). Althought like the thousands of Gakuen Gag books..yes. It's pretty normal til it's Blend. Think a Azumanga clone (yes. The artwork is very much shoddy lookalike to Azumanga) but with out of the norm, standard manga characters like a clockwork Android Girl (normal), a Mad Shojo Science Genius (normal) doing standard stuffs. verdict is that it's just a Azumanga Daioh clone with some strange characters. My god. What a rip-off. Still, it's entertaining enough.
Kuchisake Onna Arawaru!
(Bottom Left)
I bought at least 2 books featuring the Kuchisake-Onna, an urban legend that exist to scare the shit of naughty school children and I pretty much like the plot twist in this one which is a collection of shorts inspires by spooky tales of the Showa period (the full title is Kuchisake Onna Arawaru ~ Showa Kaiki Densetsu). The artwork is pretty good with the usual shock stuffs. Not very
So my conclusion is that I am having odd taste, only because I am male and didn't buy the oppai/loli exploitive stuffs? Or the Shonen Stuff like Bleach and Naruto and D-Greyman?
No. Simply because I am a jaded manga reader who happens to look into the other alternatives.