Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I never watched The Blair Witch Project but I know I will like it in a special sense.

Cloverfield is the "In-a-Sense" Blair Witch with Lots of CGI, A Very Much Bigger Budget, More Actors....you get the meaning. Yes, a very overly Over-paid expansion capitalising on a "cheap effect" concept.

Cloverfield isn't about the monster. The monster is half of it. It's about surviving (or reliving) the experience (apparently NOT for the Main characters in the film). Interlude is a Love Story that despite Overcoming of the Odds, still eventually comes to a BAD END.

What's good about it? Watch the trailer.
What's bad about it? It's depends on whether you watched the trailer.

If you never, you are in for an unexpected Bad time if you HATE FPS and Shaky Cameras.