Zakustein, Strike+Dreadnought Imposter,FMP's Sagara in GS,Athrun in another Name, and now...
The Blonde sibling Connection???Oh pls....
Zakustein, Strike+Dreadnought Imposter,FMP's Sagara in GS,Athrun in another Name, and now...
The Blonde sibling Connection???Oh pls....
BlayRouzer carries 5000 AP (Normal) 7400 (J-Form)
GarrenRouzer carries 5500 AP (Nominal)
Chalice Rouzer carries 7000 AP (Nominal)
Leangel Rouzer carries 6000 AP (Nominal)
*Not sure Rouzer how regain Values.After Deformation Straight away?Reset at Next Henshin?Maths and Physics dun really work in tokusetsu and anime I guess.
KFC's Zinger Meal for the stomach consist of:
and First Magazine August Issue for the brains and eyes.
In tribute to Supersize Me
My bro graduated from Safti MI finally after like 1.5yrs in the Army.That means he left 9 mths an officer..cheater....
Parade Ground and the OCS Tower.
My Bro at the March Pass
The only photo I think he will ever let me put up on my BLOG (he didn't know yet....) this a photo I managed to rescue from poor lensmanship (lousy camera actually) by his friend (I didn't took it!)
When a man had too much time and little subjects to choose....he choose himself!
Also I will cutting my hair so this will serve as a rememberance! (I fool around with the pic with PS!!Actual photo will be up.)