Monday, September 18, 2006

d4thday is bored. So he bitches about the silly happenings in Sgcafe

Sgcafe is a gate of order and chaos.
Sometimes it's orderly chaos (like those silly flames of bad blood, vengence and plain annoyance) or chaotic order (the usual strings of posts in TCSS).

d4 had nothing much to blog. His hobby is mundane and everyone wrote the same old thing, offering nothing new.

d4 isn't a creative force. He is an end user. Thus he has nothing blog about his works.

d4 had done nothing to make his parents proud and done nothing to make anyone worried.

So dollar contribution today is about the forum. God. d4thday wrote enough garbage in there to fill up this blog and the next one.

But today d4thday decide to write about someone else's idea but he is too shy to write to that person in his face because d4's guts is yellow and he is definately with the hamtaro (I am his cousin hamchi).

There's this silly thread in the cosplay thread that want iamcow to be banned. Oh wow. Must be one of his seriously left-overed rivals when he was with his alleged "Cheating" girlfriend episode. However given his serious attitude to win in arguement online, I reckon it can be anyone. Except me. I am one of the ELDER ONES (translated in Cthulu Mythos reads: Mad Fucking Left-over that just don't die).

Anyway there's improvement to STAC on the dicussion with photographers thanks to i*mcow but ya there's the real stale shit restirred for the nth time and amidst all these his agenda eventually changed to the obvious (Exclusive exception to your frigging rules STAC). Read thread 1430520 post number 176. If his camera requires to be viewed, HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE CHECKED. WELL THANKS ALOT wiseguy. We will be seeing some photographers be sent out this EOY because he is a mule trying to emulate a cow.

Oh and there's the COSPLAY THIS CAN? topic. Some idiot wants to cosplay an online buzz (read HOT this month, next month forgotten) who sent his video to youtube playing canon with his guitar. Sure it owns you but it's silly. You are just another guy with guitar. You think a cosplay event is a jamming session. Come on. Those cosplayers will just ignore you and play around as usual (other than posing for the camera). He and his bro try to act cool and chummy. Self praise with mock taunts. KKP as usual, acts as the Mose's Stone of Cosplay goes around with his tagging gun and tag those guys. I thot it's interesting to set a thread to ask if it's ok to cosplay Neil Gaimen or Alan Moore but it might end up maybe I might be caught in a promise that must be fulfiled. So nah. Play on the Pun.

Someone asked. WTF is with me and Inova starting on harems like as if we are opening Katong Laksa. But that's the point of it. You don't go around opening up a harem and treating it seriously. Calling people in the middle of the night to boot someone off his virtual harem is a joke. A complete sense of disregard to his image considering he wants to be a celebrity. Then again maybe he wants to portray a bad boy image. Haha. Go get caught by your wife with a small gal in compromising position. Now that's news and instant CRY: BAD BOY!!!!

Cl#ud_Tidus always starts with some weird threads and post some humour that flats out pretty quick with his occasional WRONG spelling @ the RIGHT places (and obvious he didn't do it intentionally.). And he created an ANTI-Inuyasha Fan club. WTF. However he really got cheesed off when I open a fake Gundam Hate Club. LoL. They say mockery could be a most sincere form of flattery. LoL. And here's what he post in my ANTI GUNDAM thread:

"I pity D4thday for opening a h8 club a hours later after I opened my anti-inuyasha club."

I laughed. WTF are you pitying me for???? Following you????Anyway you lose. No one is active and everyone posts because they love the anime despite lamenting it's "watever that irritates them". Over at my thread, we had a discussion on values and cliche backstories. BEAT that. My thread serves it's purpose while yours went to waste.

There's more people but I need to work on the Sat outing post.

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